Supported 30-Day BoardCloud Trial

About Your BoardCloud Free Trial

A trial subscription is available for any BoardCloud edition: Business, Non-Profit or Enterprise editions. Credit card details are required in order to start a trial but your card will not be billed you until the end of your trial.

All Free Trials are delivered as complete full function systems. Your trial will be themed according to your company logo and colours.

All Free Trials are fully-supported with both support and training available on request by email or via chat.

For support, you can email: Chat is available via the Chat icon in the lower right corner of the website or from the dashboard page of the app.

Trial Request Process

In order to start a Free Trial, you need to click a payment link from our price calculator page here: Board Portal Pricing .

From the payment page, you can estimate your costs (monthly or yearly) by using the pricing slider for either Non-Profits or Business.

To start your trial, click on the appropriate "Go" link. This will take you to our Stripe payment page, where you will be able to select the estimated user seats you require and then enter your details including your credit card information.

  • You will NOT be billed for 30-days.
  • You can cancel your trial at any stage during your 30-day trial
  • Your first payment will be charged after the 30-day period has expired
  • You can cancel at any time, by sending a cancelation email to

Setting Up Yor Trial

Your Free Trial will be commissioned by one of our expert installers and will be themed using your corporate identity. Please send a high-res image of your corporate logo to

In addition, we will prepare a default board packet cover and divider pages for your board packets.

Your primary contact will be setup as a BoardCloud administrator and will receive a Welcome email with a link to login to the platform. From this point, your administrator can commence work on the platform. We will be close by and will assist with any training or support you may require.

There is also an onboarding service available to load your member and committee lists for you.

If you have any questions, please email

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