Meeting Preparation and Scheduling

Meeting Scheduling

A meeting planner showing upcoming meetings and full year calendar planner, makes planning easier and more accessible for board members.

Meeting Scheduling

BoardCloud is designed to reduce the time wasting and frustration associated with planning future meetings. 

Meeting Planner

The meeting planner, which is found on the main landing page, is designed to give members a view of upcoming meetings at a glance. It looks similar to the image below.

Meeting Planner

Members can navigate to any meeting that shows on the meeting planner by clicking on one of the entries.

Year Planner

First, it has a Year Planner that shows all upcoming meetings. The Year Planner shows only the meetings on a logged-in member's schedule or all meetings for administrators.

Then, meeting invites are automatically posted to each invitees calendar when a meeting is published. Meeting invites are sent via email and contain the calendar entry that was made in the members calendar, which will look similar to this:

BoardCloud Invite email with calendar booking

The meeting invite email also has links to join the meeting as well as to view the board pack.


BoardCloud manages responses to meeting invites (RSVPs) as well as meeting attendance.

As soon as a meeting is published, a communication is sent to all attendees/members, with links to view the meeting agenda and its documents.

In the pre-meeting stage, members who view the meeting are presented with a simple RSVP strip, which looks similar to the below image:

Meeting RSVP choices

A summary of RSVPs is presented as an easy to read graph that appears on the meeting dash (for the closest upcoming meeting)  as well as on the meeting page itself.

Meeting RSVP graph

For more detail, there is also a RSVP report which opens when the above graph is clicked on. This report can be printed or exported as an  EXCEL sheet or a PDF.

BoardCloud Meeting RSVPs Report

Pre-meeting preparation by members is also tracked, to find out more click here.

Meeting Attendance

BoardCloud tracks meeting attendance in two ways.

First, all meeting access is logged in the background. Login times and agenda access are tracked per meeting attendee. Which allows for a precise view of meeting attendance.

Meeting conveners and secretaries have access to an attendance tool, which allows for attendance recording for members who attend meetings in-person.

Meeting Attendance Sign-in

Once a meeting is opened, attendees are presented with an attendance confirmation button. They can then register their attendance with a confirmation click. Alternatively, the meeting convener can mark and individual member absent or present.

Attendance Register

When a meeting is open, member attendance will reflect automatically as each member signs in. All members will see a screen that is similar to the image below. The display below updates in real-time.

Attendance at the meeting in real-time

When an official attendance register is required, one can be produced as required.

BoardCloud will automatically produce a detailed attendance register, which will look similar to the image below.

Board meeting attendance register

Meeting Life-Cycle

Meeting RSVP's and attendance are governed by time. Thus, in the pre-meeting stage, the RSVP widget will show for all meeting attendees.

Then, during the meeting, the Attendance widget will show, allowing attendees and the meeting convenor to record attendance.

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